Propagating Pieris Plants: How To Propagate Pieris Plants In The Landscape

Pink Pieris Plants
pieris propagation
(Image credit: Alldgy)

The Pieris genus of plants is made up of seven species of evergreen shrubs and bushes that are commonly called andromedas or fetterbushes. These plants grow well in USDA zones 4 through 8 and produce spectacular dangling panicles of flowers. How do you go about propagating pieris plants? Keep reading to learn more about how to propagate pieris bushes.

Common Pieris Propagation Methods

Pieris plants, like Japanese andromeda, can be successfully propagated both by cuttings and by seeds. While both methods will work for any species of pieris, the timing differs slightly from plant to plant.

Propagating Pieris Plants from Seeds

Some varieties form their seeds in the summer, and other types form them in the fall. This just depends upon when the plant flowers – you’ll be able to tell when the flowers fade and brown seed pods form. Remove the seed pods and save them to be planted the following summer. Gently press the seeds into the top of the soil and make sure they’re not completely covered. Keep the soil moist, and the seeds should germinate in two to four weeks.

How to Propagate Pieris Plants from Cuttings

Propagating pieris plants from cuttings is basically the same for every variety of plant. Pieris grows from softwood cuttings, or that year’s new growth. Wait until midsummer to take your cuttings, after the plant has finished blooming. If you cut from a stem with flowers on it, it won't have enough energy stored up to devote to new root development. Cut a 4 or 5 inch (10-13 cm.) length from the end of a healthy stem. Remove all but the top set or two of leaves and sink the cutting in a pot of 1 part compost to 3 parts perlite. Keep the growing medium moist. The cutting should start to root in eight to ten weeks’ time.

Liz Baessler
Senior Editor

The only child of a horticulturist and an English teacher, Liz Baessler was destined to become a gardening editor. She has been with Gardening Know how since 2015, and a Senior Editor since 2020. She holds a BA in English from Brandeis University and an MA in English from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. After years of gardening in containers and community garden plots, she finally has a backyard of her own, which she is systematically filling with vegetables and flowers.