Dogs And Catnip – Is Catnip Bad For Dogs

Dog On Bed Under White Blanket
(Image credit: Kosheleva_Kristina)

Cats and dogs are opposite in so many ways that it is no surprise that they react differently to catnip. While cats delight in the herb, rolling in it and becoming almost giddy, dogs do not. So is catnip bad for dogs? Can dogs eat catnip? Read on for answers to your questions about dogs and catnip.

About Dogs and Catnip

If your dog shows some interest in your catnip plants, don’t expect the same ecstatic reaction to the herb that felines demonstrate. Cats get a buzz from catnip, while dogs do not. But that doesn’t mean that dogs and catnip should be kept apart. If you have a catnip plant and dogs, it’s likely you’ll see your dogs in catnip plants sooner or later. But should dogs get near catnip? There is no harm in allowing dogs in catnip plants as long as you don’t expect them to go into raptures. While your dogs will not react to catnip like your cats do, the herb offers canines benefits too. Catnip is an herbaceous plant from the mint family that can cause sleepiness. Your canines can sniff the leaves and feel a little sleepy. But they may also seem completely indifferent. Expect different reactions from different dogs in catnip plants.

Is Catnip Bad for Dogs?

Many pet owners wonder: Is catnip bad for dogs? And, more particularly, can dogs eat catnip without experiencing health issues? The simple answer is that sniffing or rolling in the herb or even licking or eating some will not hurt your pet. In fact, you can use catnip as a home health remedy for your dog. For example, if you feed your dog some catnip before a trip to the vet, it can be a safe and gentle way to relax Fido. The herb can also help with car sickness and stomach upsets. Finally, dogs can benefit from catnip if you prepare essential oil from the plant and apply it to their skin. Catnip oil is 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than the compound used in most commercial insect repellents, and is effective against fleas too.

Teo Spengler

Teo Spengler has been gardening for 30 years. She is a docent at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. Her passion is trees, 250 of which she has planted on her land in France.