Late Spring Garden Chores – Things To Do In The Garden In Late Spring

Gardener With Wheelbarrow Doing Chores In The Garden
(Image credit: npdesignde)

It is undeniable that many growers anxiously await the arrival of spring each year. With warmer weather and flowers finally starting to bloom, getting out into the garden and beginning seasonal chores is often at the top of the “to-do” list. While seed starting and planting are at the forefront of many minds, it is easy to see how some other tasks may be pushed to the end of the priority list. Thoroughly examining these late spring garden chores will help ensure that gardeners are ready for the summer season. 

Late Spring To-Do List

After the initial excitement of finally getting outdoors has passed, growers often find themselves overwhelmed by garden maintenance tasks. However, the late spring to-do list can feel much more manageable when broken into smaller sections. 

The completion of late spring garden chores is an excellent time to make certain that the garden will be laid out as planned. The removal of weeds and old growth will make way for newly sown seeds and transplants. 

Late spring is also an ideal time to begin marking off new garden beds, amending existing beds, cleaning pots, and even laying out and inspecting drip irrigation lines. 

Planting cool season crops in the garden in late spring is an excellent way to extend the growing season and to reap the benefits of early season vegetables. Though it may not be safe to sow tender plants outdoors yet, other more cold tolerant plants can be directly sown. Plants like lettuce and carrots will germinate and begin to grow while soil temperatures are still cool. 

Late spring is also a choice time to start fast-growing tender annual seeds indoors under grow lights or in a sunny window. 

Pruning is also an essential task for maintaining the garden in late spring. This process is especially helpful to promote bloom and new growth in many types of perennial flowering shrubs and fruiting trees. In fact, many gardeners find that the creation of a late spring to-do list for pruning is essential to ensuring that plants keep the desired size and shape in the landscape. 

Late spring is also an excellent time to divide existing perennial flowers. In most species, this should be done any time that the plant is dormant or when new growth has just started to emerge. Dividing perennial plants is an easy way to multiply plants, as well as promote blooms.

Tonya Barnett

Tonya Barnett has been gardening for 13 years. Flowers are her passion. She has transformed her backyard into a cut flower garden, which she regularly chronicles on her YouTube channel