Environmental Problems
Cultural plant problems and various types of environmental issues are inevitable, regardless of how well you care for your garden. So what is a gardener to do? The first step to solving gardening issues caused by environmental problems in gardens is to do your research. The pages that follow will help with that. With information for dealing with types of environmental issues like contaminated soil, floods, heat waves or cold spells, you’re sure to find something that relates to the particular needs of your garden. So keep reading to learn more.
Environmental Problems
Flower Bud Blast Symptoms: Treating Bud Blast In Flowering Plants
When buds collapse for no reason, it may bring a gardener to tears. But fear not, fellow gardener, flower bud blast may be disappointing, but it's rarely a serious condition. Learn more about it here.
By Kristi Waterworth
What Is Phytotoxicity: Information About Phytotoxicity In Plants
Phytotoxicity is anything chemical which causes an adverse reaction. The plant's response varies from discolored leaves to death. The sensitivity can go both ways, however, since some plants are phototoxic to humans too. Click here to learn more.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Plant Covering Materials – Ideas For Covering Plants In Cold Weather
All living things need some sort of protection to keep them comfortable during the winter months and plants are no exception. In addition to mulch, or even snow, many plants depend on a little extra protection to survive. Learn more here.
By Mary H. Dyer
Wrapping Plants In Burlap: How To Use Burlap For Protecting Plants
Wrapping plants with burlap is a relatively simple way to protect the plants from winter frost, snow and ice. Burlap for plants can be as simple as an old burlap bag. Read this article to learn more about using burlap for winter plant protection in the garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
Winter Death Of Plants: Why Do Plants Die In Winter
When the snow flies, it can be easy to forget about the plants in your landscape, but these are the times they may need you the most. Find out why even hardy plants may die in the winter, and a few things you can do about it in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Signs Of A Root Bound Plant: How Do I Know If A Plant Is Root Bound?
The confined root system of a plant can become root bound if care is not taken to prevent this. Learn about root bound symptoms in this article so you can treat the issue before it's too late.
By Heather Rhoades
Softened Water And Plants: Using Softened Water For Watering
There are some areas that have hard water, which has a high amount of minerals in it. In these areas, it is common to soften water. But is it ok to water plants with softened water? Find out in this article.
By Heather Rhoades