Growing Pachysandra Plants - How To Plant Pachysandra Ground Cover

Pachysandra Ground Cover
pachysandra 2
(Image credit: seven75)

Pachysandra is a favorite ground cover plant in hard-to-plant areas such as under trees, or in shady areas with poor or acidic soil. Unlike other plants, pachysandra ground cover does not mind competing for its nutrients, and growing pachysandra plants is easy if you have an abundance of shade in your landscape. 

Learn more about how to plant pachysandra and its care so you can enjoy the small white, fragrant flowers (which appear in the spring) of this low maintenance plant.

How to Plant Pachysandra

There are several varieties of pachysandra available to choose from. The recommended pachysandra growing zone for U.S. Department of Agriculture is 4 through 7. 

Pachysandra is easily transplanted from garden flats or divisions in the spring. Space the plants 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm.) apart to accommodate their spread. Pachysandra prefers soil that is moist and amended with rich organic matter. Make sure the planting area is clear from debris before planting and that the soil is loose.

 Holes for new plants should be 4 inches (10 cm.) deep and 6 inches (15 cm.) wide. Pachysandra ground cover has evergreen leaves that will burn in the sun. It is always best to plant on an overcast day and in shady locations. 

Water new plants thoroughly and provide 2 inches (5 cm.) of mulch to help with water retention.

Pachysandra Plant Care

Pachysandra requires only minimal care to look its best. New plants can be pinched back for several years to encourage bushiness. Keep areas of pachysandra free from weeds and monitor young plants during dry weather. 

Once plants are established, they can handle some period of drought; however, young plants require adequate moisture in order to become established. Now that you know a little more about pachysandra plant care, you can enjoy this low-growing beauty in the shady spots of your landscape.