Horse Chestnut
Your ultimate guide to Horse Chestnut: Everything you need to know with expert info for beginners and advanced gardeners alike.
Horse Chestnut
Japanese Horse Chestnut Info: Tips For Growing Japanese Chestnut Trees
If you’re looking for a truly spectacular shade tree, look no further than the Turbinata chestnut, also known as the Japanese horse chestnut, tree. Want to learn more? Click on the following article for Japanese horse chestnut info and care for this impressive tree.
By Amy Grant
Uses For Horse Chestnut Wood – Building With Horse Chestnut Trees
Building with horse chestnut isn’t common because it is a weaker wood compared to others, and doesn’t resist rot well. But, with its creamy color and other desirable characteristics, there are some uses for horse chestnut in woodworking and turning. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Horse Chestnut Pruning: Should You Cut Back Horse Chestnut Branches
What does it take to keep a horse chestnut tree healthy? Do you need to cut back a horse chestnut? The following information on horse chestnut pruning discusses the pros and cons of pruning horse chestnut trees and how to prune them. Click here to learn more.
By Amy Grant
Potted Horse Chestnut Care – Can Horse Chestnut Trees In Containers Survive
The prolific fruit litter from horse chestnuts results in hundreds of intriguing nuts that can be container grown into trees. However, a potted horse chestnut is a short-term solution. Learn more about growing horse chestnuts in containers here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Is My Horse Chestnut Sick – Diagnosing Diseases Of Horse Chestnut Trees
Though relatively simple to grow, there are several common issues which lead to the decline of plant health – issues that may cause growers to ask, ‘is my horse chestnut sick?’ If you’re one of these growers, this article will help.
By Tonya Barnett
Horse Chestnut Cutting Propagation – Will Horse Chestnuts Grow From Cuttings
The horse chestnut tree is a large, attractive specimen that grows well in most areas of the U.S. Many grow it for the large, showy flowers. And, of course, it is a great shade tree. But can you root horse chestnut cuttings to grow your own tree in the landscape? Find out here.
By Becca Badgett
Horse Chestnut Propagation Methods: How To Propagate Horse Chestnut Trees
While it may be common to find horse chestnut trees available at garden centers, many wishing to grow them may find the process of propagating their own to be a fun experience. There are a few ways to begin propagating horse chestnuts. This article will help.
By Tonya Barnett
What Is Horse Chestnut Used For: Common Horse Chestnut Uses
Historically, the list of horse chestnut uses is quite an impressive one. From their use as magnificent shade trees to their proposed health benefits, it is easy to see why the cultivation of horse chestnut trees has spread throughout the world. Learn more in this article.
By Tonya Barnett
Horse Chestnut Bugs – Learn About Common Conker Tree Pests
While the chestnuts (conkers) produced by this tree are toxic to man and beast, the trees are subject to a number of horse chestnut pests. For information about horse chestnut bugs and other pests of horse chestnut trees, click on the following article.
By Teo Spengler
Horse Chestnut Varieties – Are Buckeyes And Horse Chestnuts The Same
Ohio buckeyes and horse chestnuts are closely related but they aren’t the same. Wondering how to tell the difference between buckeyes and horse chestnuts? Learn the distinguishing characteristics of each and more about other Aesculus varieties in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Horse Chestnut Bonsai Plants – Can You Grow A Horse Chestnut Bonsai Tree
Newcomers to the art of bonsai might have some trepidation about using an expensive specimen for their first attempt. Many native trees can become beautiful bonsai for little cost. Take the horse chestnut, for example. Find out how to grow a horse chestnut bonsai here.
By Amy Grant
Are Horse Chestnuts Edible: Learn About Toxic Horse Chestnuts
When you hear the song about chestnuts roasting on an open fire, don’t mistake these nuts for horse chestnuts. Horse chestnuts are a very different nut. Are horse chestnuts edible? They are not and should not be consumed by people, horses, or other livestock. Learn more here.
By Teo Spengler
Horse Chestnut Seeds: How To Grow A Horse Chestnut Tree
For additional interest in the landscape, consider growing horse chestnuts. You may be wondering what are horse chestnuts. Read this article to find out and learn how to get tips on caring for horse chestnut trees.
By Nikki Tilley
Horse Chestnut Seed Propagation – How To Plant Horse Chestnuts
Horse chestnut seed propagation is a fun project you might try with a child. It is always exciting to teach them about how to grow from seed or, in this case, from conkers. Click on the following article for information on planting horse chestnut conkers.
By Becca Badgett
Red Horsechestnut Info : How To Grow A Red Horsechestnut Tree
In spite of caution in planting, the red horsechestnut produces an intense hot pink show in spring, making it a standout for early color. Further information on how to grow red horsechestnut (found here) can help you decide if this plant is right for your home garden.
By Bonnie L. Grant