Where To Get Seeds - Learn About Seed Buying And Harvesting

Seed Packets In The Store
(Image credit: FlairImages)

One key to planning any type of garden is determining how you want to obtain plants. While purchasing transplants or seedlings can help to establish your growing space quickly, starting your own plants from seed is a much more cost-effective option. Exploring where to get seeds and seed buying will help you be sure to be ready when warmer weather finally arrives. 

Where to Get Seeds

Before buying seeds for the upcoming growing season, take inventory of what types and quantities of seeds you need. It’s generally best to purchase slightly more seed than you think you'l need to account for the possibiity of low germination rates or other unforeseen seed-starting issues. Purchasing seeds early in winter allows you to get all the varieties you want before they've sold out for the season. 

While many local garden centers and home improvement stores offer a wide range of seed each spring, those options are fairly limited to more traditional flowers and vegetables. When purchasing seeds locally, timing may also be an issue. Some seeds are simply offered by retailers too late in the spring for them to be grown successfully. 

For these reasons, many gardeners now do their seed buying through various online retailers. Reputable online seed companies ship year-round. This allows you to order seeds at the correct time for planting. You’ll also get to choose from a much wider selection of heirloom and open-pollinated seed types. 

How to Get Seeds

If purchasing seeds for the garden is not an option, there are other places to get seeds. If you already have established green spaces, you may find that saving your own seeds is ideal. If you plan to save your own seeds, plan accordingly during the growing season so that seed has ample time to mature before it's harvested. After mature seeds are collected from open-pollinated varieties, they can be further dried in a cool place. When they've dried, move the seeds into paper envelopes and label them for storage.

Collecting your own garden seeds is also an excellent way to share among other growers. Seed exchanges are especially popular within community gardens and in gardening groups on social media platforms. This is an easy way to expand your garden at little cost, as well as diversify your plantings.

Tonya Barnett

Tonya Barnett has been gardening for 13 years. Flowers are her passion. She has transformed her backyard into a cut flower garden, which she regularly chronicles on her YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/@tonyawiththeflowers.