Zone 6 Flowers: Tips On Growing Flowers In Zone 6 Gardens

zone 6 flowers
zone 6 flowers
(Image credit: patleb)

With milder winters and a longer growing season, many plants grow well in zone 6. If you are planning a flowerbed in zone 6, you're in luck, as there are hundreds of hardy flowering plants for zone 6. While a properly designed flowerbed may consist of ornamental trees and shrubs as well, the main focus of this article is annuals and perennials for zone 6 gardens.

Growing Zone 6 Flowers

Proper care for zone 6 flowering plants depends on the plant itself. Always read plant tags or ask a garden center worker about a plant's specific needs. Shade loving plants can be stunted or badly burned in too much sun. Likewise, sun loving plants may be stunted or not bloom in too much shade. Whether full sun, part shade, or shade, there are choices of annuals and perennials that can be interplanted for continually blooming flowerbeds. Annuals and perennials alike will benefit from a monthly feeding with a balanced fertilizer, like 10-10-10, once a month during the growing season. There are certainly too many flowering annuals and perennials for zone 6 to list them all in this article, but below you will find some of the most common zone 6 flowers.

Perennial Flowers for Zone 6

Zone 6 Annuals

Darcy Larum