A rose is just a rose, or is it? There are many rose varieties, and caring for roses depends on the type you have and climate you live in. So before you go planting a rose bush, keep in mind what variety you are growing. How to grow roses successfully will mean providing good rose care. We can help with that. In the following pages, you will find information not only on how to grow roses, but there are also many tips on caring for roses no matter what the variety—which will help avoid problems with roses (like pests and disease) later.
Shade Loving Rose Plants: Growing A Shade Rose Garden
While there are no full shade loving rose plants, you can grow shade tolerant roses. Here are a few helpful tips for growing a semi-shade rose garden.
By Mary H. Dyer
14 Foolproof Roses: Easy Rose Varieties Anyone Can Grow
Roses are hardy plants and most aren't difficult to grow, but some roses are fussier than others. In general, newer roses are often the best roses for beginners because they've been bred to require less care. Find some easy-care rose varieties in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Best Smelling Roses: Fragrant Roses For Your Garden
Roses are beautiful and beloved by many. If you’re looking for roses that smell good, try adding these particularly fragrant varieties to your garden.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Easy Elegance Rose Care: What Are Easy Elegance Roses
If you love roses but don't have the time or the knowledge to take care of these notoriously fussy flowering shrubs, you need to know about Easy Elegance rose plants. This is a cultivar that is designed to produce beautiful flowers without a lot of work. Learn more here.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Dog Rose Information: Learn About Dog Rose Plants
Like many wild roses, the dog rose has a rich history. And, like most wild rosebushes, it has an aggressive growth habit that is considered invasive in some areas, overcoming desired plants in the garden. Learn more about this rose variety in the following article.
By Stan V. Griep
Sub-Zero Rose Information – Learn About Roses For Cold Climates
If you've never heard of them before, you might wonder, "What are sub-zero roses". These are specifically bred roses for cold climates. Learn more about sub-zero roses and which types work well in a cold climate rose bed in this article.
By Stan V. Griep
What Is Rose Picker’s Disease: Tips On Preventing A Rose Thorn Infection
The thorn on a rose stem provides an excellent device for transmitting infectious material into your skin, as is seen with rose picker's disease, a fungus from rose thorns. Read this article to learn more about this rose thorn infection.
By Stan V. Griep
Controlling Rose Pests: Tips For Managing Rose Curculio Weevils
If your rose blooms aren?t performing as well as they ought to then it is likely that you have been visited by rose curculio weevils. If left uncontrolled, they will totally take out your rose bush blooms! Learn how to control them in this article.
By Stan V. Griep
Rooting Rose Cuttings: Can You Grow Rose Cuttings In A Potato
Propagating or rooting rose cuttings to make more of the rosebushes we love using potatoes took to the internet a while back. I personally have never tried using potatoes but may well do so at some point. Learn more about this technique here.
By Stan V. Griep
What Is A Wingthorn Rose Plant: Care Of Wingthorn Rose Bushes
When I hear of Wingthorn roses, a picture of a classic castle in England comes to mind. However, the Wingthorn rose is an unusual species from China. Read the article that follows to learn more about this rose.
By Stan V. Griep
Rose Chafer Facts: Treating Rose Chafers On Garden Roses
The rose chafer, like the Japanese beetle, is a true villain of the rose bed. Both appear to have the same habits and life cycles and attack plants and blooms without mercy.
By Stan V. Griep
Rose Stem Girdlers - Tips For Controlling Rose Cane Borers
While doing what they need to do to survive, boring into our rose canes, this action causes harm, and sometimes death, to our rose bushes. Read here to learn more about these rose stem girdlers.
By Stan V. Griep
What To Do With Rose Hips: How To Harvest Rose Hips For A Tasty Treat
Once the petals fall from roses, the flower leaves behind the hips. There are plenty of nutritional rose hips, and they're tasty too.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Rose Hip Information – Learn When And How To Harvest Rose Hips
What are rose hips and what can rose hips be used for? Check out this article for rose hip information and learn how to harvest rose hips so you can take advantage of all they have to offer. Click here for more information.
By Stan V. Griep
Aphids On Roses: Controlling Aphids On Roses
Aphids like to visit our plants and rose bushes every year and can form a major attack on them fairly quickly. Controlling aphids on roses is well worth the effort to keep beautiful roses. Learn more here.
By Stan V. Griep
Pink Rose Varieties: Choosing And Planting Roses That Are Pink
Roses are available in an incredible range of colors and, for many gardeners, pink rose varieties are at the top of the list. If you enjoy growing pink roses, click the following article for a sampling of pink rose types and varieties available.
By Mary H. Dyer
Growing Roses Indoors: Can You Grow Roses As Houseplants
Did you know that you can keep roses as houseplants? Growing roses indoors is certainly possible if you can provide the right conditions for your plant. The most common type of rose that is grown indoors is the miniature rose. Learn how you can keep a rose indoors here.
By Raffaele Di Lallo